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The Talon

The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

Seniors Tevah Beller, Amanda Brown, Victoria Felix, and Olivia Haggerty congratulate each other after finding out they made Homecoming Court. (not pictured: Kayci Barnett) Photo by Kimmy Pilatovsky

Getting to Know This Year’s Homecoming Court

October 16, 2012

  Staff Writer Talia Richman At Friday's pep rally five boys in tuxedos delivered roses to five shocked girls as the 2012-2013 Homecoming Court was announced. Seniors Kayci Barnett,...

Shutout Win Tainted by Fighting

Shutout Win Tainted by Fighting

October 5, 2012
Head football coach Brian Chandler is still unsure of what exactly happened during the last 59 seconds of Thursday’s football game against Sunset High School. He knows one of his players intercepted a Sunset pass. He knows one of his players was punched. He knows an additional eight to ten of his players – along with the entire Sunset team – flooded the end-zone to join the fight.
Seniors required to have seven periods

Seniors required to have seven periods

October 1, 2012
Starting with the 2012-2013 8th graders, juniors and seniors will be required to take a full 7-period schedule and the number of quality points for Advanced Placement classes will increase from eight points to 10.
Art Magnet Helps at Local Art Festival

Art Magnet Helps at Local Art Festival

September 5, 2012

Art Magnet students volunteered at the Cottonwood Art Festival's crafting tent and helped elementary school students make various crafts like tissue paper hats, clay pots and tree necklaces. "It's not...

Hydraulic pit to undergo repairs

October 6, 2011

6,000 pounds of set pieces and a theater class stood on the hydraulic pit that is supported by columns that have stood for 60 years. The pit started to shake. The sound of metal crunching on metal...

Brewer, along with the other Congressional pages, shook hands with President Obama before he delivered his State of the Union Address. “It was probably the most exciting thing I’ve ever done,” Brewer said. Courtesy photo

Ms. Brewer goes to Washington

May 24, 2011

308 million Americans. 435 US Representatives. 64 Congressional Pages. Junior Erin Brewer is spending the Spring semester as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson’s page in the U.S. House of Representatives. Erin...

Chamber Orchestra wins sweepstakes

May 2, 2011

A group of students entered the stage dressed in formal black and a dead serious mind set. They sat down with their violins and violas on their laps, cellos between their legs, and basses in front of them...

photo by Rachel Templer

Fighting to Survive

January 21, 2011

“Your son isn’t going to make it.” ESL aide and mother Valentina Piñedo has been given this prognosis four times. Students and teachers have raised $3,898 through garage sales, bake...

Legal Eagles spend day team building

Legal Eagles spend day team building

October 28, 2010

It took three tries, but the Law Magnet finally got it down. “On the count of three, everyone sit down on the legs of the person behind you. I promise, their legs will be there, as long as everyone...


Glee pep rally takes grand prize

October 28, 2010

As the cheerleaders flipped and cheered to “Don’t Stop Believing”, a video camera was trained on the Glee-themed Pep Rally to help RHS win $2,500 in the Ahead with Farmers Pep Rally Video Contest. RHS...

Chemistry teacher Alisa Salvans teaches students about chemical reactions during the "Alchemist Penny Lab." Talon Photo by Talia Richman

Chemistry Teacher Named Tech Titan of the Future

September 3, 2010
When Alisa Salvans casually logged onto her email account and saw a message from Mr. Pickitt, she didn’t expect for him to be asking her to represent Richardson High School as a nominee for the prestigious Tech Titan of The Future award.
On set with Senior Year, Clay Tucker and Sean Murphy are deciding how to spend their Senior Year.

Seniors Create Web Show

November 6, 2009

High school is, to put it gently, a little odd. For four years, gross, sweaty teenagers are clumped together and are expected to learn, socialize, get involved in activities, mature and figure out their...

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