Staff Writer Talia Richman
At Friday’s pep rally five boys in tuxedos delivered roses to five shocked girls as the 2012-2013 Homecoming Court was announced.
Seniors Kayci Barnett, Amanda Brown, Tevah Beller, Victoria Felix, and Olivia Haggerty received the most votes out of a 29 court nominees. At the Homecoming game Friday night, the queen will be announced.
Q: What are you involved in at RHS?
Kayci Barnett: I am involved in varsity cheerleading, desperados, National Honor Society, and Peer Helpers. I am also a Carousel Co-Chair and a member of Richardson YoungLife.
Amanda Brown: I am involved in National Honor Society, INTERACT, varsity cheerleading, varsity volleyball, and YoungLife. I am also a Carousel Co-Chair.
Tevah Beller: I am involved in Desperados, Acapella Choir, National Honor Society, Peer Helpers, INTERACT, and will be starting up a student bible study in November. I am also cheer manager.
Victoria Felix: I am involved in Eaglettes, Desperados, Carousel, Asian Student Union, and am also an INTERACT officer.
Olivia Haggerty: I am involved in Desperados, the track team, Carousel, and National Honor Society.
Q: What is your favorite part about being an Eagle?
KB: My favorite part of being an Eagle is coming to school each day knowing that I have the most awesome school staff and friends to look forward to seeing. RHS is a place where everyone can feel they belong in one way or another and come together with amazing school spirit.
AB: My favorite part about being an Eagle is how diverse the student body is. Everyone is really accepting of each other. I also think we have the best school spirit and the best teachers and staff in all of RISD.
TB: My favorite part of being an Eagle is the meaningful friendships I have with my fellow classmates and teachers. I love coming to a school where there is such a spirited environment full of friendly people. There is a place here for everyone and it’s great to see all different types of people come together in such a diverse school.
VF: My favorite part of being an Eagle is being able to talk to elderly people and hear that we still follow many of the same Eagle traditions, and also being part of a school that is well known in many different groups/organizations.
OH: My favorite part of RHS is the diverse student body.
Q: If you could change one thing about RHS, it would be…
KB: I would change two things about RHS: the dress code could use some tweaking and the constant traffic jam of freshman in G-Hall is getting ridiculous.
AB: One thing I would change about RHS is the dress code. I think somethings that the administration find unacceptable are not offensive at all. For example, yoga pants are leggings are comfortable and a fashion trend, yet they are unacceptable at school and that makes no sense to me.
TB: If I could change one thing about RHS I would have all of the students join together to be a voice speaking out against the issue of bullying. I would love to see our school be a leader among other schools in the area.
VF: If I could change one thing about RHS it would be to be able to expand the student parking lot and have an assigning parking spot for everyone based on grade level.
OH: If I could change something at RHS, I would definitely change the strict dress code rules.
Q: What is a special talent you have/if you could have one superpower it would be…
KB: If I could have one superpower, it would be teleportation because I hate driving and the time it takes to get somewhere. I’d much rather magically get myself where I need to be without the hassle of annoying red lights and bad drivers.
AB: A special talent that I have is that I’m really good at memorizing song lyrics and movie lines.
TB: One secret talent I have is that I have played piano for ten years. Music is a huge part of my life.
VF: A special talent I have is making funny animal noises such as; monkeys, cats, dogs, birds, etc. I can also make my laughs different based on my moods.
OH: I used to be a competitive gymnast so I can do flips and stuff.
Q: In 10 years I see myself….
KB: In 10 years I see myself at the front of a classroom teaching little first graders to read, write, and court and starting a happy family of my own.
AB: In 10 years I see myself working for a sports team in their Public Relations department and hopefully happily married.
TB: In 10 years I see myself as a occupational therapist living and serving as a missionary in a developing country with my happy, growing family.
VF: In 10 years I see myself helping people in need wherever it may be and being able to determine the “why” behind someone’s actions with my degree in psychology. I also see myself relaxing in my own home with a loving family.
OH: In 10 years I see myself as a coach or physical therapist.