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The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

  • New Feature in Focus: Official GPA
  • RISD Enrollment for 2025-26 Opens on Feb 25
  • Multicultural Night on Feb 28
  • Spring Fling on March 1
  • Spring Break on March 10-14
  • Pie Eating Contest on March 19
  • ACT for Juniors on March 25
The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

On January 20th, the Richardson High School DECA team competed at the district conference which took place at North Garland High School.
“I’m very proud. I’m very proud of the leadership that’s been put in place with our DECA officers," Mr. Geffert said.

DECA team advances to state

Noelle Saenz February 2, 2018

Thirteen out of 14 students are advancing to the Delta Epsilon Chi and Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) state competition. This is the most students that have made state since Lee Geffert...

Senior Gaby Fernandez and Junior Ben Goldberg work on the Communications DJ equipment and play music for the 8th Graders visiting the school. Talon Photo By Henry Carpenter

Magnet Showcase Attracts Incoming Freshman

Marian Patterson and Madison Triplett, Staff writers January 19, 2018

In an effort to encourage incoming freshman to join magnet programs, the school put on their annual magnet pep rally and showcase. Eighth graders from junior highs around the district came to watch the...

Photos of the Week

January 2, 2018

Seniors Dasia Williams, Jordyn Strange, Kayla Morren and Nicole Cochran cheer as guests enter the front of the school to take part in AVID Showcase where educators come to learn how to better serve student populations using AVID strategies. "It has been hard work," Brown said. "It has to be a buy-in from everybody, and knowing that something that I so passionately wanted so many other people in the building also passionately wanted, I mean, it gives me goosebumps.”

AVID Showcases School for Guests

Cathy Agarwal December 20, 2017

The sound of excitement rippled through the air as the band played and students eagerly watched unfamiliar faces approach the front steps of the school. Staff members smiled as cheerleaders crowded the...

National Honor Society and Student Council officers collect toys to donate to Dobie Elementary for the 31st annual Dobie Toy Drive. Photo by Noelle Saenz

Dobie Toy Drive

Noelle Saenz December 15, 2017

National Honor Society and Student Council officers collected toys for three weeks through a 4th period contest to donate to Dobie Elementary for the 31st annual Dobie Toy Drive. The toys will be given...

Band sends record 12 musicians to prestigious Lone Star Youth Winds Orchestra. Lone Star is a group of 80 of the best band students in the north Texas community. Photo by Daphne Lynd

Band Sends Record 12 Musicians to Prestigious Youth Orchestra

Lihem Amlak, Staff Writer December 15, 2017

After hours of practicing and student auditions, the band had a record 12 students accepted into the prestigious Lone Star Youth Winds (Lone Star). Lone Star Youth Winds is a group of 80 of the best...

An advocate for net neutrality regulations, senior Furtuna Yemane says it can be difficult for older generations to understand how students rely on technology in their daily lives. Talon Photo by Daphne Lynd

FCC Set to Vote on Repeal of Obama-Era Net Neutrality Regulations

Elle Weeks, Staff Writer December 11, 2017

  With a Republican majority, The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set to vote December 14 on a plan to repeal landmark net neutrality rules enacted during the Obama Administration. The...

Seniors Emily Popoca and Elizabeth Benitez  exiting the AP Environmental Science portable after class. After the bond passed for $437 million towards RISD schools, APES has had the opportunity to update their space. In the mean time class is held in the portables.

APES moves into Portables

Alex Nowak November 8, 2017

Before environmental science teacher Tony Strohmeyer's old classroom was torn down, he would step outside and be greeted by a green house with hydroponic gardens, a pond built by former students, and an...

Photo by Daphne Lynd

Communications Downsized for Future Studio Upgrades

November 3, 2017

By Summer Rains Brent Morton, the communication magnet teacher, had five communication students assist him in untangling a mess of an innumerable amount of wires for audio, video and more coiled in...

Junior Samantha Vassen laughs as the neon lighst flash at homecoming. “I went freshman year and back then I was more antisocial and just played video games, but this year I just wanted to be myself and dance and not care what anyone else thought. I had lots of fun with friends,” said Vassen.

Generation Swap Spirit Day

October 26, 2017

By Lihem Amlak On the Thursday of Homecoming Spirit Week, upperclassmen dressed up as senior citizens, while underclassmen dressed up as toddlers. From walkers to diapers, students celebrated their...

Country vs. Rock N' Roll

Country vs. Rock N’ Roll

October 26, 2017

By Noelle SaenzTo kick off the third day of homecoming spirit week, seniors Mirabella Miranda and Victoria Shirley both wore their favorite country attire to fit the theme of country vs. rock and roll....

Tacky Tuesday

Tacky Tuesday

October 25, 2017

By Madison TriplettStudents dressed up as Buddy the Elf and the Easter Bunny and many other tacky holiday costumes in support of homecoming week."Christmas is coming up soon and it's also a really festive...

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