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The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

  • New Feature in Focus: Official GPA
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The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon

The student news site of Richardson High School

The Talon


Welcome to the Talon Online, the student-produced online news source of Richardson High School in the Richardson Independent School District.

The publication is updated with daily published content including stories, photo galleries, videos and multimedia packages.

The Talon Newspaper made its debut as the school’s printed newspaper in 1945. In 2011, the Talon was switched to an online format.


Mission Statement: The Talon Online, a production of the newspaper class of Richardson High School, was created to be a reliable news source for the student body, community and general public. News is reported through a variety of mediums to provide timely updates without bias to race, religion or social creed.

News Articles: Content, other than opinions articles, are written to inform the general public and should remain unbiased. Staff members are expected to ask the interviewee if they are comfortable being recorded. They will also keep recordings of interviews to ensure accuracy.

Opinions Articles: Published editorials express the views of the Talon staff but not the views of any individual person. Signed columns published in the Talon express the writer’s personal opinion. The content and opinions of the Talon do not represent the student body, faculty, administration or the Richardson Independent School District.

Content Removal: Content published on this site is a historical record. Content previously published will not be deleted or altered unless it is factually inaccurate.

Errors: Factual and grammatical errors will be corrected in a timely fashion as soon as they are detected. If you find an error, please contact us.

Letters: The Talon encourages letters to the editors, but reserves the right to reject them for reasons including but not limited to lack of space, multiple letters of the same topic and personal attacks contained in the letter. The Talon will not edit content though letters may be edited for clarity, length or mechanics. Letters should be sent to room B214 or emailed to [email protected].

The Talon Staff

Editor-In-Chief: Laiba Shehzad

Advisor: Wade Kennedy

Staff Writers: Jaqueline Gomez Lopez, Bao Bui, Excellent Jambo, Ilan Ahmed, Bailey Spence, Watts Godwin, Brody Chienvichai, Taniah McCain, Cameron Neal, Diego Ocampo, Gemma Patterson, Skylar Stringer

Photo Staff: Ilan Ahmed, Ray Brosnahan, Henry Fair, Xaviar Sheehan, Watts Godwin, Bao Bui


The Talon encourages readers to contact staff members, editors or the adviser with any questions or comments about the website or a particular story.

Phone: 4695933081
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @richardsontalonnews
X: @RHSTalonNews