Students participate in the Homecoming Pep Rally just four weeks into school
During the Homecoming pep rally junior Kylee Morren is pushed by teammate Noah Ledat while playing a game of “Hungry Hungry Hippo.” Photo by Chad Byrd
The football coaches had their eyes set on a game versus Garland for Homecoming resulting in an unusually early Homecoming week in mid-September.
Pep rally emcee Erik Archilla said school spirit is tremendously important, especially during Homecoming festivities.
“I think the schools that no longer have pep rallies have lost something special,” Archilla said. “But we still maintain tradition and maintain togetherness, and there is just something really important about feeling like you’re part of a community.”
The pep rally featured performances by Eaglettes, Cheerleaders, Desperados and many other Richardson clubs.
“My favorite part of homecoming is the pep rally – you get to see performances by tons of different groups in the school – and it’s so loud your ears ring for the next thirty minutes,” junior Phoebe Westbrooks said.
As the pep rally came to a close, the seniors won the scream battle for the spirit stick.
“Knowing this is my last Homecoming pep rally is a bittersweet feeling,” varsity cheerleader Jamaria Hallum said.” I’m sad it’s almost over, but I’m definitely going to enjoy it.”