2013-2014: The year of the snake horse. The year of Twitter, Snapchat and Flappy Bird. The year of Look-a-douches and vomitty kids. The year RHS students came together through the power of social media and owned dis bish.
Quick shout-out to the seniors – foamy fountains and SKAing everywhere – the class of 2014 definitely went out with a bang. From future presidents (yeah Thabit i’m talking about you), to Gameboy app developers (‘sup Testut?) and even desperately-tryna-win-a-date-with-a-celebrity go-getters, this graduating class packed a whole lot of kick-ass.
Let’s take a walk down good ol’ memory lane and reminisce about some of the crazy things we put up with this year.
Nobody could doubt the power of our student body when Mister “Dateable” Lookadoo waltzed into our auditorium.The feminists of Richardson created a voice so loud the Huffington Post heard it. Not to mention the Dallas Morning News, the Dallas Observer, Buzzfeed, Jezebel and Yahoo News – just to name a few. L-Douche created a whole new type of unity within RHS and showed the administration that even though some of his jokes were ha-ha funny (like calling women horrible vindictive creatures), we weren’t laughing. Instead, we were screaming and getting sweary while preaching our views via Twitter. So high-five RHS.
Well guys, it’s official. We survived the Icepocalypse of 2013. A little ice and snow may not seem severe to those eskimos up north, but everyone in Tejas knows if there’s an inch of ice, we are all doomed. Power was out, Wifi was down, roads were closed, all Hell broke loose. Two inches, and we’ve got ice monsters scouring the slippery streets, and chicks in snow stained UGGs sacrificing their BMWs for a Starbuck’s caramel macchiato. Luckily for us, a little ice and wind meant a lazy four-day weekend right before finals – not that anyone took the time off to study seeing how everyone came to school Monday with eyes tired and red from endless nights of watching Netflix.
Lookadoo wasn’t enough for us – we just had to get on the news once more. So the plague began. We had kids puking in A hall, teachers demanding you sanitize your hands before you enter their classroom, and a musical missing half the cast opening night. The other half spent full rehearsals vomiting Shrek colored pukey stuff into trashcans offstage. The Norovirus attacked hundreds of students and dozens of teachers. Kids were skipping school just to stay away from the puke zombies that slimed the bathroom stalls.
G-hall smelling like rotten eggs, twitter accounts made to help students avoid Mrs. Curry’s hunt for yoga pants, food fight attempts in the dark, Ryan Hance flinging a sexy thong through the air at a pep rally. Yes, Richardson High school had its moments, and they defined Ratchetson 2 K 13/14. It’s been real.